08: 00 | 10:00

We have a variety of ways you can get involved at church

Life Groups

CU White River has a number of life groups that meet during the week.
These groups become like a family where you can share, care, pray and do life together around a meal or a cup of coffee.


The Children’s ministry at CU is packed with the vibrant, overflowing life of God.  
We provide an action-packed programme at our 08:00 & 10:00 meetings for children from 3 years up to Grade 7.


Our Grade 8 – Grade 12 teenagers meet every every Friday night from 18:00-21:00 and three Sundays a month at our 10:00 meeting after praise and worship.
Our aim is to raise up young men and woman after God’s own heart.

Getting Involved

Volunteers are needed for a diverse range of activities and ministries.
Involvement = Belonging


Tithing is used to fund all the work of Church Unlimited. The more we respond by faith the more we can reach our world. We are constrained by lack of tithing.

Contact Us

Office Hours

T: 060 940 8538
E: whiteriver@churchunlimited.co.za
Monday - Friday
08:00 - 13:00


Meeting Times

Plot 50
Touyz Road
White River
Sunday AM - 08:00 | 10:00

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.